Jay Castagnetta
Membership continues to be our number one priority. We have come a long way in making our meetings more interesting to our base. Our meetings are full of time for fellowship as well as there is always a good meal served. The bar is always open, although we must be careful not to take advantage of the Adjutant General’s decision to exempt WAVA from his zero-tolerance alcohol policy. Attendance at our meetings is still lower than we’d like but it is improving.
I recently attended Post 307 of the American Legion’s meeting. I cannot say enough about how much I enjoyed that evening. It was held at the Deutsch’s Haus at the old Moss Street Armory. There was easily 150 members of that Post present. The meal was hand rolled Hot Tamales cooked by the Post’s Tamale Team, with baked beans. There was an open bar, and everyone was having a great time. After asking several of their members why so many people attended their meetings the consensus was the venue, the food, and the fellowship.
Our next two meetings are important ones. The November General Membership meeting is a fellowship meeting with our Thanksgiving meal, some fellowship time, and a short meeting to discuss the upcoming Wreath Ceremony, the elections and the active battalion’s Pass in Review. Wreath Ceremony is scheduled for Saturday, December 3rd, followed on Sunday, December 4th, being the Annual Pass in Review. Both events begin at 10 AM. There will be a reception following the Wreath Ceremony at Metairie Cemetery in their Reception Hall. There will be plenty of food and beverages. Roy Broussard has done an exceptional job planning this year’s event.
And finally, our elections. This year is of the utmost importance. All board members except Mario Suarez have decided to run for re-election and CPT Cole Shorter from the active battalion has decided to run to fill Mario’s vacancy. There’s a short introduction of everyone running so you may have a chance to familiarize yourself with these members. Please make sure to follow the instructions on the absentee ballot form to ensure your ballots are received on time. Once the elections are completed, the 18 board members will elect their officers.
It’ a busy two months. For those who cannot attend I want to wish you the happiest and safest of holidays.
Try Us!
Jay Castagnetta
WAVA Secretary